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A six-lesson program laboratory animal care course.



The six-lesson program includes the following:
1. Introduction to laboratory animals: (Sample PDF, Sample Test Questions)
A brief history of animals used in research. Outline of the major animal physiological systems. Bird’s-eye view of nutrition. Preview of disease in an animal colony.
2. Management of laboratory animals:
Life cycle data: genetics, strains, breeding and mating. Principles of animal health, disease and control of disease. Environmental requirements, regulations and policies. Organizations and the role of Laboratory Animal Care Technicians.
3. Management of Laboratory Animals: Rodents & Rabbits.
History, behavior, handling, housing and nutrition information for the following animals: Mouse, Rat, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Gerbil, Rabbit.
4. Management of Laboratory Animals: Intermediate Size.
History, behavior, handling, housing and nutrition information for the following animals: Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Non-Human Primates, Swine.
5. Management of Laboratory Animals: Hoofed Stock & Other, Including Exotics.
History, behavior, handling, housing and nutrition information for the following animals: Hoofed Stock (Sheep, Goats, Cattle & Horses), Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Birds, Others (Wild Rodents, Armadillo, Opossum, Invertebrates).
6. Facilities, Personnel & Environmental Management.
Common environmental matters. Typical caging, equipment and materials. Personnel safety issues and concerns. Sanitation categories and factors to consider for effective and safe use of products.
As an enrollee you will receive:

  • The six lessons mentioned as Adobe® Acrobat® PDF downloads from your computer
  • A test is included in each lesson. Your completed test will be graded electronically and your score will be available in minutes. You are allowed to review your score and resubmit answers to missed questions
  • Upon successfully completing the course you will receive a Certificate of Completion.

The total cost of each enrollment is $50.00.


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